We just returned from playing the Robin 2 Club in Bilston. It’s about 1:30am on Monday morning. It was a pretty drive down today from Basingstoke, got to see the small but pretty mountains of Wales, in the distance beyond Bilston.
I have been up since 7:30am. on Saturday (with a couple of hours sleep on the plane) feeling pretty crispy now! We were the first opener (there was another opening duo as well) for the old UK cult group Chumbawumba. There were about 60 or so at the club. The set went well. Most importantly my fix on the guitar nut seemed to hold and it played well. Still need to get someone to look at it in the next day or two. The crowd was definitely there to see Chumbawumba, but was responsive to us. We’re definitely more country than they usually get.
The club has a pretty rich history. We spent quite a but of time today with Sean the sound man, talking to him about the many ghostly experiences in the club, including shadows walking through walls, employees being pushed and a cat that seems to appear and disappear in a certain stairwell. We didn’t witness anything first had, but were aware of the possibilities to say the least.
We did manage to set the alarms off in the whole building just before the main act took the stage, by exiting a back alley stage door that was evidently not intended for normal use. There is quite a Labyrinth of small corridors and stairwells behind the stage, so no wonder we ended up randomly opening doors.
We are sleeping in tomorrow morning (hopefully into the afternoon) and then heading to Maidstone around 4pm for a show at the Maverick-Zebra Showcase night. We are hearing that the night is sold out – so looking forward to that.
Maybe the ghost sent out an advance party and broke the nut...